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» History»Food and Wine»Taverns»‘Aragosta’ Tavern

‘Aragosta’ Tavern

‘Aragosta’ Tavern is located by the sea in Zaklopatica Bay. Along with live music, the tavern offers many different dishes and specialties, some of which include:

  • Carpaccio made with first-class fish
  • Grilled Lobster
  • Octopus under the bell
  • Lamb on the spit


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Kručica Bay

Kručica Bay has two small pebbled beaches with natural shade ideal for families with children. Kručica Bay can be reached by boat or on foot via the marked forest path which begins at (approximately) the half-way point of the main road from Ubli to Lastovo. Sea sandals are recommended.  

Korita Bay

Korita Bay is located 1 km from Zaklopatica Bay and can be reached on foot on a macadam road or by boat.  It has natural shade and great potential for picnics. Sea sandals are recommended.  


Zaklopatica bay

Situated on its northern part, only 2 km from Lastovo village, it is well known for its so called islet "Zaklopatica" on which the rare specie of birds - called Kaukala is nesting. Zaklopatica is heaven for divers and yachtsmen who can enjoy the well-know beauties of the Lastovo archipelago and its magnificent bays. Zaklopatica offers a breath taking view of the neighboring island Korčula.  Here you can enjoy sunbathing, swimming, leisurely walks and many restaurants offering the best of Dalmatian cuisine. From Zaklopatica You can enjoy into beautiful and unique sunset.

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    Did you know that on Lastovo there are more that 200 km of walking paths?