
Ferry schedule

Find out when is the next ferry to Lastovo.


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Useful info

Ferry and bus schedule

You can reach us by two directions. From Split and Vela luka ( Korčula island) by speed boat and ferry every day. Ferry takes cca.5... (continue reading)

Frequently asked questions

1.Is there ATM machine on the island ??? We have two ATM mashines on the island; near Splitska banka in Lastovo and in Port near... (continue reading)
Ferry and bus schedule

Ferry and bus schedule

Yellow pages

Yellow pages

Weather forecast

From media services

Free WiFi Internet

Free WiFi Internet

In the area of Pjevor, in the range from Splitska bank to the church of St. Rok, you can connect to the free Internet network... (continue reading)

Did you know that on Lastovo there are more that 200 km of walking paths?