Crkvica iu 14. stoljeća nalazi se u uvali Sv. Mihovila – Mihajla, 1 km od mjesta Lastovo. Zvali su je Sv. Anđeo ili Arhanđeo u luci. Spominje se u arhivskim spisima 1390. godine. U njezinom okružju pokapali su se stranci i domaći ljudi umrli od kakve zarazne bolesti. U 15. stoljeću, za vrijeme Dubrovačke republike, pretvorena je u skladište. Na dan Sv. Mihovila (29. rujna) održava se sveta misa.
Taxi service is available from 0-24 calling the provider.
Lučica je naselje kojeg čini svega tridesetak kuća, a administrativno pripada mjestu Lastovu. Zaštićeni je povijesni lokalitet koji je bio izvorno ribarsko naselje s kućama koje su služile za pohranu ribarskog pribora i opreme. Od centra otoka Lastova udaljena je nešto manje od 1 km. Do nje se dolazi asfaltnom cestom ili 400 m dugim puteljkom kroz šumu. U Lučici je zabranjena svaka nova gradnja pa su postojeće kuće renovirane u skladu sa strogim pravilima izvorne mediteranske arhitekture. Za posjetitelje, ona je skrovito, mirno i nadasve ugodno mjesto, bogate višestoljetne vegetacije. Riva je kamena, okrenuta prema Korčuli, a sama uvala dostatna je tek za manje čamce i brodice, što znači i da se ondje možete kupati bez bojazni od brzih glisera, onečišćenja ili gužve.
1.Is there ATM machine on the island ???
We have two ATM mashines on the island; near Splitska banka in Lastovo and in Port near Jadrolinija’s office.
2. Where is a gas station ???
In port Ubli.
3. Is there a pharmacy on the island ???
We have a basic supply of medicines in pharmacy which is working only 1 hour a day, from 13-14 hours,every day except Sunday and holiday. For emergency there is attending doctor on guard.
4. Why is Lastovo town not on the sea ???
Because of the defense purposes it was build on mainland. In the past Lastovo was often attacked by pirates from the sea and for defense purposes local people built their settlements on the hill.
5. Can we by some basic swimming equipment on Lastovo ???
We have two small local shops ( one near Tourist office and another near bank) with basic swimming accessories like mask, swim wear, madras etc.
6. Can we pay with Euro and credit cards in the shops and restaurants ??
In most of the shops and restaurants You can pay with credit card. Euro is not accepted.
7.Where we can by the tickets for the ferry and can we reserve a ticket ????
Tickets can be bought in Jadrolinija’s office in Ubli or on line, and there is no reservations possible.
Did you know that Lastovo has one of 10 most attractive locations for scuba diving in Europe - Bijelac?