
Ferry schedule

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Archaeological site – The Old Christian Basilica of St.Peter

The basilica is 17 m in length and 6.75 m in width, oriented west-east. It is built in undressed stone with mortar. It had a semicircular apse, strengthened with buttresses from outside. Indoor, along the wall, there was a polychrome stone bench. The sanctuary was surrounded with thin marble slabs, inserted into grooves cut in elegant stone columns, preserved in fragments only. Among the entrance door stone fragments, there has been found a relief with triangular ending, now kept in the Archaeological Museum in Zadar. Fragments of the window – a marble chequered latticework, have been found as well. Such  building characteristics indicate the basilica to have been built in the 6th century. Interestingly, the entrance door was placed laterally, accessed from the narthex, a yard with a six columns porch, in the western corner of which was a built  tomb. At its southern side, the basilica had four rooms, the central  ones have been found sarcophagi and tombs cut in the rock.


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Taxi transport

Taxi Lastovo

Taxi service is available from 0-24 calling the provider.



Ubli ili Uble je naselje smješteno na jugozapadnoj strani otoka, najpoznatije kao trajektna luka otoka Lastova s vezama prema Korčuli, Hvaru, Splitu te Dubrovniku.
U naselju se nalazi jednobrodna kršćanska bazilika iz 6. stoljeća posvećena Sv. Petru. Među brojnim nalazima u bazilici, znamenit je ranokršćanski reljef s prikazom križa i dva jaganjca, čije je original danas pohranjen u Arheološkom muzeju u Zadru. Nakon arheoloških istraživanja, bazilika je konzervirana i smatra se spomeničkom cjelinom najviše kategorije.

Frequently asked questions

1.Is there ATM machine on the island ???

We have two ATM mashines on the island; near Splitska banka in Lastovo and in Port near Jadrolinija’s office.

2. Where is a gas station ???

In port Ubli.

3. Is there a pharmacy on the island ???

We have a basic supply of medicines in pharmacy which is working only 1 hour a day, from 13-14 hours,every day except Sunday and holiday. For emergency there is attending doctor on guard.

4. Why is Lastovo town not on the sea ???

Because of the defense purposes it was build on mainland. In the past Lastovo was often attacked  by pirates from the sea and for defense purposes local people built their settlements on the hill.

5. Can we by some basic swimming equipment on Lastovo ???

We have two small local shops ( one near Tourist office and another near bank) with basic swimming accessories like mask, swim wear, madras etc.

6. Can we pay with Euro and credit cards in the shops and restaurants ??

In most of the shops and restaurants You can pay with credit card. Euro is not accepted.

7.Where we can by the tickets for the ferry and can we reserve a ticket ????

Tickets can be bought in Jadrolinija’s office in Ubli or on line, and there is no reservations possible.


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Did you know that Lastovo was a part of Dubrovnik's Republic?