Ferry schedule
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2 comment(s) – rating
Located in Zaklopatica bay in front of Brain tavern. Brings scooter on your location !
Pozdravljeni ali je moguce dovezsti skuer do naselja uble? Ja i žena bi dosla s trajektom iz vela luke. I koliko košta za 12 sati? Lp Urban
Pozdravljeni ali je moguce dovezsti skuer do naselja uble? Ja i žena bi dosla s trajektom iz vela luke. I koliko košta za 12 sati?
Lp Urban
hi i am going to stay in Lastovo from 11 to 17 of aug would like to rent 2 scooter please let me know availability and prices thanks
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Did you know that on Lastovo there are more that 200 km of walking paths?